.. diaGrabber documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 1 18:11:22 2013. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. **diaGrabber** -> read, process, plot, automate ============================================================================== ``diaGrabber`` is a module fully written in `Python `_. Its main benefits are: * no restriction to 2- or 3-dimensional problems * handle unstructured data * no limitation of the size of source-files * interactive visualization of the readout of sources * compair and connect multiple source-files (also of different file-types like plainText or libreOfficeCalc) * fully automatable * powerfull options to manipulate and filter values * inter-/extrapolate between given points some impressions: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: _static/screen1.png :scale: 25 % :alt: compare different sources .. image:: _static/screen2.png :scale: 25 % :alt: readout streams in realtime .. image:: _static/screen3.png :scale: 25 % :alt: orking with n-dimensional problems Requirements ============= * `Python v2.7 `_ (the programming lanuage itself) * `pyqtgraph `_ v.0.9.6 (for Plotting) * this module needs either pyQt4 or pySide to work * if you are using windows, install `pySide `_ (pyQt4 wont support all features) * `ooolib `_ (to read from open-/libreOffice-calc) * `numpy/scipy `_ (Python modules for numeric and scientific problems) * `bottleneck `_ (superfast NaN-array-handling) Installation ============ 1. download and install all required modules. 2. `download `_ ``diaGrabber``, go to its main-directory and type in a termial: ... **in Linux**:: sudo python setup.py install ... **in Windows** * Start -> Run -> 'cmd' * go to you download-directory and type:: python setup.py install If windows doesn't know the commend 'python', try `this `_. Use the functions of diaGrabber via:: import diaGrabber in a Python script or shell. See the :ref:`examples` to get an idea of it. Support ============ * `fork the code and collaborate `_ * `post issues `_ * `propose improvements and send quentions `_ Contents: ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 introduction.rst examples.rst gui.rst diaGrabberAPI.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`